The Re:LOCATION Project continued on to SCOTLAND and an Art Pod was placed in Clydebank in GLASGOW on the 29th May. My great grandmother Helen Smith Kruck [ Mathie] was born in Glasgow and migrated to Australia in the 1800’s. The location of this Art Pod gives a perfect opportunity for the finders to ‘cross their bridges when they come to them’. Great Great grandfather James Ortmiston was born in the former Roxburghshire region and we placed the second Art Pod in a beautiful park in his birthplace Jedburgh ..’grounded on the West with a Holy aspect’.
29/5/2015 GLASGOW GPS Co-ordinates 55.91136N, 4.43585W
30/5/2105 JEDBURGH GPS Co-ordinates 55.47626N, 2.55362W
GLASGOW location photographs
JEDBURGH location photographs
Jedburgh: The second Art Pod location in Scotland
[You can also follow the Re: Location journey in ENGLAND and IRELAND. More information to be found on and FACEBOOK
Mobile phones usually have GPS. Please share this with your friends.