A tiny bit of sunshine in the midst of rainy weather can brighten up your day so when you read a story that resonates during some tough times you tend to take it on board. A great little book ‘Success 101‘ by John Maxwell has many words of wisdom you can take with you wherever you go. Much better for the soul than the gossip magazines left about to fill in time, it will make you smile and ponder life’s mysterious ways.
Maxwell writes about a reporter on a journey to glean a story from a building work site. The first man interviewed is grumpy and when asked what he is doing says ‘earning a paycheck’, while a second man can only say ‘what does it look like I am doing’. When the reporter approaches a happy, whistling worker there is a much different scenario and to the same question is told…’I am building a shelter for the homeless’ as the worker excitedly points out the various areas that are taking shape, the kitchen and the dormitories…
You can see the difference a clear vision makes to everything that is achieved in a successful and perfect way just like you can tangibly feel the difference in emotion that an object made with enthusiasm and love reflects. Art, I feel, has to come from both these places to reach the viewer at a deeper level, and arise from an inner direction rather than one swayed by what the art market dictates.
Keeping focus can be a hard call at times but worth the struggle when you hold something in your hands that has come to fruition from holding tight to a dream and pushing it through to completion. Having just completed my third book I returned to my painting to find it was not working as I wanted. The last time this occurred I allowed myself some childlike play with digital artworks to ease open the door. Below are two just completed original pigment prints aptly titled ‘New Beginnings’ and ‘The Bigger picture’.